Analysis of Ig Protein Structure by Enzymatic Cleavage (Immunology/Biochemistry)

Lab report involves Introduction, methods (You can just say As per lab manual, and state the modifications to the protocol), Results and Discussion.

Introduction must include relevant background information about our subject matter such as the Immunoglobulin we are digesting in order to examine its structure and certain chemical bonds.

Everything except the instruction must be broken down part in their relevant sections per Journal of Immunology format. The reference formal are also Journal of Immunology format. The lab report is New Times Roman, 12 font, double spaced.

It is best to state what is definitely true, then use your logic afterwards. Relate it to the bigger picture of Immunology if you can in a not-so-forced way.

You can use the Method Section and say “Refer to Lab Manual page….”, and discuss mainly the changes any we did to the protocol.
For my part, I added the stacking gel in 2 batches. This was because we did not prepare enough loading gel and contributed to some solidfiying before completing the stacking SDS gel and making the loading wells. The wells were also badly solidifed before it was run, and some mixing might have occured. Not sure.

Results and Discussion should be sectioned into their appropriate sections per Journal of Immunology format. The references should also be in the Journal of Immunology format.

There is one hint about confusing factors in our lab protocol. Normally, we incubate the Ig with Papain and Pepsin for 4 hours, but we only did 2 hours. This is pointed out in a scribble in the Instruction pictures. Thus, we may have some undigested IgG contributing to one more band than is expected.
Try to explain the results minimally in the results, and expand on them in the discussion.

At least 1 review article and 5 primary article needs to be referenced. I will upload the instructions of my lab manual by scanning it and also additional comments will be made in my upload.

Figures must be made and captioned and put at the end of the lab report. In this case, we do not have many figures.

Here are some files mostly in compressed ZIP format:

The General Lab Requirements picture files is the minimum and organizational requirements for the lab report.
There are some scribbles on there, ignore most of them. They pertain to past lab notes.

Jots of Background notes Incomplete picture files is a tiny bit of background of what we are doing in this lab. Structure of Ig, S-S bonds, reducing, non-reducing, etc…

Laboratory Protocol and Instructions picture files are the actual protocol and what we did for this lab which you must discuss in the lab report.

The results are the gel SDS results for our lab. Use this in the figure and results. Try to explain the results minimally in the results, and expand on them in the discussion.

There are 2 images. One the results, please annotate it and use it as the actual figure. There is a 2nd image which I’ve annotated for your reference on the order of loading. The numbers refer to the ones seen on pg.27-28 of the Lab Manual in the Protocol and Instruction picture files. Do not use that one. That is only for your reference.

The last set of images called “Loading SDS reference ladder for mW kDA 1”
is just the reference numbers for the pre-stained Mw Marker loading ladder we have in lane 1 and 6 so you know what are the mW and kDa weights.

Thank you.

At least 1 review article and 5 primary article needs to be referenced. I will upload the instructions of my lab manual by scanning it and also additional comments will be made in my upload.


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