Advancing Development Paper – Childhood
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Week 4 | Advancing Development Paper – Childhood
Research and detail how you will optimize your assigned area of development (cognitive, physical, emotional/spiritual, spiritual moral) for Childhood. You will:
1.Based on your research, identify 2-4 vital issues related to this developmental stage (Childhood) as it relates to the area of development (cognitive, physical, emotional/spiritual, spiritual
moral) and specific ways to address and/or improve this issue.
2.Identify and concisely detail 2 possible problems related to this stage (Childhood) as it relates to the area of development (cognitive, physical, emotional/spiritual, spiritual moral) and give
recommendations to overcome the identified possible problems. If significant issues are not pertinent identify ways to optimize this stage and area of development. All recommendations need to be
based on experts and/or research.
3.Write 3-4 multiple choice or short answer quiz questions. Save answers on a separate document for submission on a later date.
4.3-5 pages in length, minimum 5 resources, APA format.
Example: Physical Development for Childhood
Detail about significance of potty training for toddlers and how to address/improve this area
Another vital issue
Another vital issue
Possible problems: detail difficulties related to a child losing physical skills
Another possible problem

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