A Rhetorical Analysis Academic Essay

Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

Choose an image that you believe contains or makes an argument. This image can be an advertisement, a picture of a person, a billboard, a movie poster, a music album cover, or something else.
After choosing your image, you will make a claim as to what argument the subject is making and describe, analyze, and evaluate the argument, ultimately drawing conclusions as to any larger significance the argument might hold. Along with analyzing the argument of the image, you should also make a claim/argument about how well your chosen subject establishes its purpose and whether or not it is likely to have the desired effect on viewers.
Ultimately, you should discuss the rhetoric of the image and attempt to address the persuasive messages that are being sent to the audience through the image. Make sure to evaluate this argument, and discuss whether or not you believe it to be effective. Be specific and use evidence from your subject to support and argue your claim.
When selecting a subject, be sure that its argument possesses enough depth for you to write a 1,000 word essay. No images are allowed that contain the following: lewd behavior or language, crude nudity, and promotion of illegal activities.
*NOTE: Each student’s image must be approved by the instructor. Research:
You are allowed to use outside sources for this paper, but you may not use more than two. You may choose to use your source(s) to provide background for your image or in another way, but remember that the paper should be your own argument and the majority of it should be in your own words. You must use MLA formatting and make sure to provide a Works Cited page should you choose to use an outside source.
Word Count: 1,000 words minimum
Format: MLA style, title required

Questions for Image Analysis
• What attracted you to this image? What initially caught your eye? What might be the relevance of this “thing”?
• What is the “surface level” message being sent?
• Does the image have a target audience? Who? What indicates this?
• What forms of appeal are used in making the argument?
• What sort of emotions does the image attempt to inspire in its audience?

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