1.Select a middle-range theory. Possible middle range theories are listed below; however, choose the theory of your choice. Academic Essay

Order Description
Application Of Theory To Practice Paper (Individual Paper)This assignment is designed to give students practice at applying middle range theories to an advanced nursing practice area of clinical specialization.

1.Select a middle-range theory. Possible middle range theories are listed below; however, choose the theory of your choice.
2.Describe the middle-range theory you have selected. Include Development – when, why, by whom, what discipline, revisions (include dates and description of changes); Purpose, Assumptions, Key concepts & Propositions of the Theory; and Congruence with Nursing discipline. For theories from nursing: Interrelation of patient/client, environment, health, nursing. For theories from other disciplines: fit with nursing grand theory idea above.
3.Identify at least one published research studies that have used or tested the theory in areas related to your case study. Evaluate how well the theory functioned in the study.
4.Describe an individual-, family-, or community-level clinical case that is appropriate for application of the middle-range theory you have chosen.
5.Identify nursing assessments and interventions that would be necessary to apply your selected middle-range theory to your particular case study.
6.Use a variety of clinical, research, and theoretical references, and limit Internet references to scientific sources. The paper must be typed and double-spaced, with 1″ margins on all sides. It must also conform to APA (2010) format for the title page, abstract, headings, and references. Page limit: 5 pages, excluding the title page. 5 points will be deducted for each page over 5 and 1 point will be deducted for each day the paper is late.
Requirements Weight
Description of the Theory 20%
Appropriateness and evaluation of the research studies 25%
Description of clinical case study 20%
Appropriateness of assessments and interventions 25%
Writing, grammar, spelling, format 10%
Total 100%

Possible Middle Range Theories�Lazarus & Folkman Stress & Coping
�McCubbin�s Family Resiliency Model
�Fishbein�s Theory of Reasoned Action
�Ajzen�s Theory of Planned Behavior
�Health Belief Model
�Olson�s Circumplex Model (Family)
�Belsky�s Parenting Model
�Locus of Control
�Diffusion of Innovation
�Selye�s Stress Model
�Anderson & Aday Health Care Service Use
�Bronfenbrenner�s Ecological Model
�Systems Model
�Theory of Learned Resourcefulness
�Bandura�s Self-Efficacy Theory
�Family Life Cycle
�McCubbin and McCubbin ABCX Theory
�Aguilera & Messick�s Crisis Intervention Theory
�Barnard�s Child Health Assessment model
�Mishel�s Uncertainty in Illness model
�Kolcaba Theory of comfort
�Hogan�s Grief Model
�Synergy Model
�Pender�s Health Promotion Model
�Mercer�s Maternal Role Attainment
�Swanson�s Theory of Caring
�Wiener & Dodd�s Theory of Illness Trajectory
�Lenz & Pugh Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms
�Jean Johnson�s Sensation Theory
�Whall�s Disruptive Behavior Theory
�Roux Theory of Inner Strength in Women
�Pollock Health-Related Hardiness
�Eakes, Burke, Hainsworth Theory of Chronic

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